A seamless solution to new employment

In the delivery of New Employer Services, we recognise that there is no universal solution when returning injured individuals to the workforce. Instead, our rehabilitation and redeployment services are customised to focus on the specific needs and requirements of the individual, targeting barriers and building skills.

Our expertise in the New Employer Services Return to Work area has been recognised in the September 2012 release of WorkSafe Victoria’s Star Ratings, where IPAR earned a 3 Star Rating (the highest possible).

We commence New Employer Services with an assessment where suitable vocational options are identified and proposed.

The vocational assessment includes:

  • Thorough assessment of work history, education, training and transferable skills
  • Formal psychological testing if required
  • Review of the individual’s interests and preferences
  • Training or retraining requirements to the extent that it is required to obtain employment
  • Treater liaison to confirm capacity and job suitability
  • Detailed labour market analysis

Based on the results of the vocational assessment, IPAR are highly equipped to assist individuals find new employment.

Elements of our proven job seeking model include:

  • Rapid development of job seeking skills and capabilities to accelerate the workers ability to commence job seeking
  • Job seeker meetings, group training and documentation aimed at promoting and managing participation
  • Utilisation of dedicated candidate marketers and job placement consultants to source vacancies and market workers into new employment
  • A database of employers with vacancies suited to our worker population
  • A database of employers willing to provide work trials

All of the programs we deliver aim to empower, facilitate and motivate candidates to find new employment.