Career transition services

Who do we help?
IPAR’s career transition services assist any individual transition from one employment type to another, whether this is the result of retrenchment, changes within an industry or business, or following physical or psychological injury or illness.
The individual’s we assist may face minor employment or biopsychosocial barriers, or a complex set of many. Some individuals have low self-confidence; they may see their skills and qualifications as outdated, or have little experience of job searching in the present labour market.
We respond with a highly tailored approach. Not only are we focused on identifying, preparing for, sourcing and sustaining a new employment path for each individual. We are also seeking to address any biopsychosocial factors that may impact a successful, long term career transition.
How do we help?
Depending on the requirements of the individual and their employer, our career transition services can be any mix of the following:
- Vocational assessments
- Health coaching and capacity building
- Résumé and cover letter review and development
- Building a personal brand
- Interview upskilling
- Cold canvassing
- Tapping the hidden job market
- Job seeker meetings and group classes
- Employment brokerage
- Work trials
- Post placement support
Delivered by experts
All career transition services are facilitated by an experienced IPAR vocational consultant.
The result is practical tips to increase an individual’s job search skills, translate their skills and experience to the local job market, boost their motivation and maximise their chances of success in a new employment type.
Holistic and targeted support
- Tailored to the needs of each individual and their situation
- A unique blend of supports and services
- Delivered by vocational and health experts
- Available across Australia via IPAR’s network of 55 offices