Workplace Mediation is a form of workplace conflict resolution

Mediation is a confidential process where an independent and impartial third person (Mediator) facilitates communication between two or more people in a dispute, to assist them in developing mutually acceptable agreements to improve their future working relationship. The process is structured and voluntary, and provides fast, creative, and mutually satisfactory resolutions.
Workplace Mediation may be appropriate in a variety of situations, including:
- Parties to a grievance are willing or prefer for a matter to be dealt with through a mediated process
- The matters do not involve serious misconduct or a serious breach of company policy, but rather are a result of misunderstanding, personality clashes or a difference of opinion
- Working and communication style differences
- Management of grievances
- Changing work practices
- The matter can realistically be resolved through mediation
Benefits of mediation:
- Sessions are private and confidential
- Participants control the outcome
- Mediation allows each person to express their opinion on issues, outline preferred outcomes and hear other people’s opinions
- Usually faster and more cost effective than investigation and litigation processes
Key features of Mediation
- The session is facilitated by a professional impartial third person (Accredited Mediator)
- Each participant will meet separately with the mediator for a preliminary meeting, to discuss and prepare for the joint mediation meeting
- Meetings can be arranged at an IPAR office most convenient to the participants
- The mediation session is confidential
- Participation is voluntary, with the option to withdraw at any time
- The mediation session is structured to encourage constructive communication and clarification of the main issues and assist participants to generate mutually acceptable agreements as to the way forward
- Documentation of the agreement between the participants
Our mediators are Nationally Accredited and highly skilled.