Veteran and veteran family member careers at IPAR
Did you know that if you have served one day of continuous service in the Australian Defence Force (ADF) that you are considered a veteran?
Maybe you prefer to not identify as a veteran and prefer the term ex-service member.
Maybe you are still serving in the ADF as a Reserve member.
Or, maybe you are the partner/spouse or family member of a veteran, ex or current serving ADF member.
IPAR is a proud supporter of veteran, ex and current serving Australian Defence Force (ADF) members and ADF family member employment and we have made this public commitment to the Veterans’ Employment Program.
At IPAR we provide veteran-friendly supports to assist veterans, ex and current serving ADF members and family members to perform their best in the workplace
Some examples of our supports include:
- A structured onboarding program.
- Opportunities for individuals to self-identify as a veteran, ex or current serving ADF member or a family member at any time (from recruitment to ongoing employment) so you can access supportive workplace policies.
- An open invitation to engage with IPAR’s Veteran Mentoring Program and Career Development opportunities.