SIRA NSW Incentive Programs for Employers

SIRA have developed a number of programs to encourage employers to offer employment and support to workers who have recovered or are recovering from a workplace or motor vehicle injury but unable to return to worker in their pre-injury employment. Whether you are an employer keen to host a worker while recovering and developing their skills set or seeking to offer an ongoing employment opportunity, there is a program available.

Work trial programs

Returning to work after experiencing injury or accident can be daunting. Australian Employers can offer much need support in this recovery by becoming a Host Employer.

Eligible employers able to provide a short term host placement opportunity for workers to support recovery and/or skills development may be eligible for $200 per week up to 12 weeks through the Connect2work program. IPAR can provide a workplace assessment, monitoring and support to encourage worker recovery and well-being and the program covers eligible associated costs and insurances.

JobCover Placement Program (JCPP) and Job Cover 6

The JCPP and JobCover 6 are financial incentives programs offered to employers by the State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA). These programs promote the employment of workers who have experience a workplace or motor vehicle injury and are ready to return to work.

Most employers can access these programs and employers utilising JobCover 6 can opt to extend into the JCPP at the end of the program period.

JCPP program can be utilised by employers offering a minimum of 16 hour per week (64 hours per month) ongoing employment for a period of 12 months or more.

JobCover 6 can be utilised in cases an employer is able to offer a minimum of 16 hours per week (64 hours per month) ongoing employment for a period of 6 months*.

Programs are comprised of three benefits outlined below:

Financial Incentive

An employment allowance up to $27,400 for the workers first year of employment with the new employer (JCPP) paid in three instalments with allowances claimed at the end of each period through the worker’s Scheme Agent

  • At week 12, a lump sum reimbursement of up to $400 per week in worker wages for the first 12 weeks of employment (JCPP and JobCover 6)
  • At week 26, a lump sum reimbursement of up to $500 per week in worker wages for the preceding 14 weeks of employment (JCPP and JobCover 6)
  • At week 52, a lump sum reimbursement of up to $600 per week for the preceding 26 weeks of employment (JCPP only)

* Employers utilising JobCover 6 who meet eligibility criteria may be able transition to JCPP at end of the initial program period.

Injury Insurance Protection

If the worker suffers a work-related aggravation or re-occurrence of their injury during the first two years of employment, eligible employers are protected from the costs of a workers compensation claim and premiums will not increase as a result of the claim.

Workers Insurance Premium Exemption

Eligible employers under these programs will have worker’s wages exempted from workers compensation premium calculations for the first two years of their employment.

Further information on these programs can be found on

Talk to IPAR today

To find out how SIRA vocational programs can assist your business, please talk to your local IPAR Job Placement Services team or complete the Employer Expression of Interest Form below and one of our consultants will be in touch.