COVID Matters Newsletter Edition 5

The latest edition of the COVID Matters newsletter brought to you by IPAR, mlcoa and MedHealth focuses on managing the return to work and extra support for people experiencing Long COVID.

We highlight three studies, with practical return to work implications. Two of these studies focus on vaccine effectiveness and the Novovax protein-based vaccine respectively… both potentially helpful in cases where workers are experiencing vaccine hesitancy for specific reasons. The other study is about the optimal way to manage Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) regimes for return to work. In terms of an evidence-base, it’s still early days for this important screening test; though the paper we covered has a strong recommendation for the most effective use of RATs.

We also summarise an additional worthwhile Harvard Business Review article on return to office resistance. While not a research paper per se, the authors have based their writings and recommendations on decades of research.

We hope this helps you as you navigate each ‘stage’ of this pandemic. Our next issue will look at workplace issues that arise as we move into winter, and COVID-19 moves from pandemic to endemic disease.